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Revise Zone by Wiscus is the largest learning platform which doesn't just provide a learning platform for Cambridge and GCSE subjects. We provide a learning platform for coding, web developement and SEO and many other important lessons. Revise Zone is free and always will be free! We are ranked number 1 for our accurate and precise notes and lessons! Want to donate? Go to our Donate page!


We don't like stealers? Do you?

What do we allow!

These are things which we allow

Fair use

You can use it and copy it for personal use and for academic purposes

Copying and citing the source of the information to this particular website -

Short extracts of information for advisary purposes

Non-profit use

Revise Zone is free and always will be. So all our information must be used for non-profit purposes

We do allow school and university use

What we don't!

Any practice of generating revenue is strictly forbidden! The Stealers identity will be acknowledged and be banned by their web hosting sites. If domain privacy is not activated a fine will be placed! Obviously, we can't trace every single person but, we will try to make things right!

Come on!

Any use of our information must be granted permission by us and we will almost always say yes! Revise Zone is there to help people to learn and revise for free, so don't be a stealer. You're the best of us!

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