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Revise Zone by Wiscus is the largest learning platform which doesn't just provide a learning platform for Cambridge and GCSE subjects. We provide a learning platform for coding, web developement and SEO and many other important lessons. Revise Zone is free and always will be free! We are ranked number 1 for our accurate and precise notes and lessons! Want to donate? Go to our Donate page!


Do you need any help on how to use this learning platform. You have come to the right place. Revise Zone is almost 24/7 active and online

Recent Problems

Here are few basic problems and solutions which students face!

Revise Zone notes don't load!

There are many reasons for this:

You may have a poor internet connection

There might be a technical problem at our end(always possible)

Your cache may be outdated. So try deleting your cache and try again

Is Revise Zone secure?

You don't have to worry about security because we currently don't take any sensitive information. Revise Zone is free for every one to use

Nevertheless, Revise Zone is SSL secure which means that the website is very reliable and secure

What if a page is missing?

This is usually when you enter a url which Revise Zone does not have. You will probably get the 404 error as to indicate the page is not found.

Always use our links to get to our resources. It's safer and much easier

What if the information is incorrect?

Here at Revise Zone we take our accuracy very seriously. If a page contains incorrect information, it is either a parsing error or an unintentional mistake done by the experienced writers

We encourage you to report these to us as fast as possible. So we can review and correct it as fast as possible. We want our users to get the highest quality notes and resources.

However, most of our notes are tested and ranked to be high in accuracy and precision

How reliable are our resources?

Highly reliable and valuable!

Revise Zone is ranked very high for it's very simple concise and accurate revision notes and it has the largest reference database for each chapter

Revise Zone is approved by Cambridge and also by grammarly for its direct and spot on notes. We are ranked high for our easy and precise explanations

Still Struggling?

Are you still struggling with us or is it something else?

Do you need more help?

How can I understand the concept more

For most chapters, there are end of chapter past paper questions you can try. We are continously improving this section to support a large variety of pastpapers.

We also have an amazing collection of Youtube videos for each chapter. So don't forget to Subscribe to our channel MrWik. It will help us alot

Does Revise Zone provide online tutoring

Currently no. But we are planning to and we are planning to make it free!

This requires alot of time and effort and funding. Revise Zone doesn't require users to pay anything! It's free! However, you could donate to us any amount or either share this amazing platform to your friends. When we know the requirement is high we will boost our development and provide you many more features

How many people use Revise Zone

Revise Zone is an extremely new website which was released to help student revise due to the global pandemic of COVid-19

So far 4000+ users world wide use this platform for learning. Which is quite amazing and quick!

I want to ask a physics question!

If you do have a minor doubt or problem in a specific area, we will be happy to answer and clarify your doubts. Don't worry it's free!

However, we do ask you to use this specific email for Subject questions -

So then we can answer your questions faster?

What! Still have a problem?

We really are not sure what problem you have so it's better to send us mail regarding it. We will clarify your problem as soon as possible

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