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Recent Problems
Here are few basic problems and solutions which students face!
Revise Zone notes don't load!
There are many reasons for this:
You may have a poor internet connection
There might be a technical problem at our end(always possible)
Your cache may be outdated. So try deleting your cache and try again
Is Revise Zone secure?
You don't have to worry about security because we currently don't take any sensitive information. Revise Zone is free for every one to use
Nevertheless, Revise Zone is SSL secure which means that the website is very reliable and secure
What if a page is missing?
This is usually when you enter a url which Revise Zone does not have. You will probably get the 404 error as to indicate the page is not found.
Always use our links to get to our resources. It's safer and much easier
What if the information is incorrect?
Here at Revise Zone we take our accuracy very seriously. If a page contains incorrect information, it is either a parsing error or an unintentional mistake done by the experienced writers
We encourage you to report these to us as fast as possible. So we can review and correct it as fast as possible. We want our users to get the highest quality notes and resources.
However, most of our notes are tested and ranked to be high in accuracy and precision
How reliable are our resources?
Highly reliable and valuable!
Revise Zone is ranked very high for it's very simple concise and accurate revision notes and it has the largest reference database for each chapter
Revise Zone is approved by Cambridge and also by grammarly for its direct and spot on notes. We are ranked high for our easy and precise explanations