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SEO Title - Keywords & Titles for SEO

In this chapter, we will talk about the title tags. The title tag is so important to SEO that when you have a good title, you can be instantly found on search engines such as bing and Google

This is because, Google SEO crawlers depend on the title tags of the webpage to determine the topic or content of your webpage

Let's take a simple example!

<title>How to get more followers on Twitter - Revise Zone</title>

The title tag is used to describe what your webpage is about and not just for Google crawlers but, to users

An amazing title will attract more visitors and increase your click rate also

The title tag should have minimum of 20 characters and less than 70 characters. This is because, if you exceed this limit, Google might not index your Title properly in Search pages and potentially trim your title down to your Website branding or domain name.

But this is usually rare!

Another thing is that the title usually appears exactly the same in google search pages and engines so make sure you choose a readable title.

Keywords in Titles

The title is the best place to include the best keywords

In fact, there is no doubt that if you use an amazing and trending Title, your website will be exploding with views and impressions

Here is a good example of a trending Title:

<title>Earn money online now - Revise Zone</title>

The main issue with misusing titles is that it can act as a clickbait sometimes.

We don't recommend you to use clickbaits because, we want you to get quality traffic and not a useless traffic

So simply to summarise:

Revise Zone encourages you to use keyword rich titles for your website but, don't misuse it!

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