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System Software & Compilation A2

Kernel Software

The Kernel Software is the interface between the user and the hardware of the computer. It is a layer of the Operating System in which handles all the underlying functions of a computer

Input / Output Managements

When you connect an input or output device the operating system will do some very important functions:

1. Install the driver of the device

2. Handes any interrupts from the device

3. Handles in buffer signals

4. Handles any queue control signals

Due to high speeds of the operating system, it is very rare that an input or output device will communicate directly with the operating system. So sometimes the input and output signals are stored in buffer in the main memory and sent to the processor only when the time slice for the input / output device starts.

This process of dividing time slices is called process scheduling or management which will be discussed in the next heading.

Process Scheduling

The reason we need this is because the cpu can only handle one instruction at a time. This is an important thing to remember which means that an algorithm must be used in order to decide which process or instruction is to be loaded to the CPU. This type of scheduling is called low-level scheduling.

The other type of scheduling is high level scheduling in which a decision must be made on what process can be stored in the main memory from the hard drive. Note that the Main memory can hold many processes or instructions but it is a small number as the storage of Main memory is small

What is a process?

This is the AS level definition

An execution of a program

This is the definition for A2

A program in memory with associated PCB

What is a PCB block ( program control block )? It is block that holds the required data for the process. A PCB is like an array of data that has the required data for the process to executed successfully

Process States

There are 5 stages of a process in which we will discuss about:

  • New Stage
  • In this Stage, the process has just entered the main memory and is getting its associated data ( PCB ) to be ready to be running

  • Ready Stage
  • The Process is ready to start running and performing it's task

  • Running Stage
  • The Process is running inside the CPU

  • Waiting / Block Stage
  • In this Stage, the system is waiting for a input or output signal

  • Terminated
  • The Process is completed and terminated

    stages of a process
    A good thing to remember is that the process must exist in the memory for the cpu to access it as the cpu has direct access to main memory only!

    For the above diagram, an interrupt can be generated to move the state from running to ready or another input/output interrupt can be generated to move the state to the waiting state

    High level Process Scheduling

    There are two types of Scheduling algorithms depending on whether the priority of each task is considered or not!

  • Non-Preemptive
  • This does not consider the priority of each task and does not halt the process half way but makes sure the full process is completed and then the next process is fetched

    This is very time consuming and can be sometimes inefficient. For example, the cpu may have to wait for the printer to send signals and stay idle as it can only handle one task. So this does not allow for multi tasking!

  • Preemptive
  • Does consider the priority of each task and uses interrupts to halt processes and multitask. Which means each job recieves a time slice to execute the process.

    Examples of Preemptive & Non-preemptive

    The Idea is that the examples below can be used for both but their functions have to be changed. We can use:

    1. First In First Out

    2. Round Robin

    3. LIFO

    The reason why we can apply them for both is that the only difference is that rather than using whole processes in non-preemptive we use time slice or an allocation period for the preemptive

    However, the below can only be used for Preemptive as they consider time as a factor

    1. Longest Job First Out

    2. Shortest Job First Served

    Round Robin means a cyclic shift in which the process is given an equal time and once the time slice is done, it circularly moves to the next task

    Memory Management

    The Main memory has limited memory and sometimes the computer may require more of it. The way to solve this is to implement virtual memory

    The idea is that the computer will allocate some of its storage as memory so it can act like RAM or Main memory. The only issue is that the speed of a hard drive is slower than the Main memory

    When answering a question just remember these points:

    1. Virtual Memory extends the RAM or increases the size of RAM

    2. The Virtual Memory is divided into equal size pages

    3. The Main memory is divided into equal size frames or page frames

    4. The frame size is equal to the page size

    5. A page table contains the process page number and whether it is present in memory and also the Physical (Main memory) Address and the corresponding Logical ( Virtual Memory ) Address

    The New Cambridge A level Text Book confused me for days and I finally understood that the concept in the book was incorrect. I have verified this from trusted sources. The Book refers to the page as part of a process that is misleading the process size must indeed be the same as the frame but it's called a Job not a page

    What is partitioning and Segmentation?

    The idea is similar to pages and frames but, partitioning is the breaking down of memory to variable sizes whereas segmentation is breaking down of virtual memory to variable sizes!

    What is Stored in the Page Table

    In the recent past papers I noticed this question popped up, so I will simply tell you the points you need to write:

    1. If the process is present in memory

    2. Logical and Corresponding Physical Address

    3. Time of Entry

    Time of Entry is the digital time when the process entered the main memory. Note that this is not the length of time

    Page Faults

    Interrupts are generated all the time in the processor especially during the end of a time slice. However, there is a special type of error

    If the processor requires a process, then it must be present in the Main memory as discussed before. If it is not present in the main memory then this condition is called a page fault. An interrupt is generated so the process is to be fetched from the virtual memory. If it is still not present, then the process can not be executed

    Disk Thrashing

    This is a very interesting situation and somewhat very easy to understand

    When a large job is loaded from the virtual memory to the main memory and the loaded job needs to load another job from the virtual memory, in some cases both can't fit inside the main memory. But both jobs are dependent on each other and both must be loaded in the Main memory. But the Main memory can not do that and so there will be swapping of the two jobs between the Virtual and Main memory and as both are dependant on each other, this will lead to infinite loading called disk thrashing. Disk Thrashing could also occur for finite swapping but it is usually very large


    We have discussed compilers in the previous chapters. Here we will see the steps of compiling. There are 5 steps in compilations and these 5 steps fall under 2 categories

  • Lexical Analysis
  • In this stage, the comments are removed, and also whitespaces and errors are detected and removed. Also, the identifiers and operators are separated and identified using tokens that are stored in the keyword table.

    For example:

    A + B = Total

    A, B, Total + and = are lexemes

    Look at the other example:

    Total = (A*B)+C
    Total   =  (   A   *   B    )   +    C
    Each lexeme is a separate item

    Keyword & Symbol Table

    The line of code is separated to lexemes. Each lexeme has a corresponding token which is stored in a keyword table. For example, operator and keywords and special lexemes are stored in the keyword table

    In the symbol table, we record the identifiers and the corresponding data types. It is similar to an identifier table

    It is sometimes misleading that the symbol table records identifiers and the keyword table records token. So please practice this!

    More on Symbol tables are here

  • Syntax Analysis
  • In this stage, the grammar of the language is understood and converted in a way that can be understood by the computer. This includes using a parse tree or syntax tree to determine order of calculation.

    syntax or parse tree

    Also in the real world, we have rules of precedence in mathematics such as

    A+ 2*B
    This is called the infix form

    By the laws of BIDMAS we do the multiplication first before additions. When converting this form to a way that doesn't require rules of precedence or brackets

    A+ ( 2*B )
    Is the infix form
    Is the Post-Fix or RPN form

    The RPN form doesn't need the requirement for rules of precedence or any brackets. Also the code can be read from left to right only

    A basic understanding of converting RPN to Normal or Infix form is by doing the steps below

    1. If it is a identifier or variable then push it to the stack

    2. If it is an operator then pop the last two variables or values and record the value, example 23+ is 5

    3. Keep repeating the process

    Let us see an example:

    Convert 23456*+/*3*

    By doing the method above keep on repeating until you reach * then simplify the last 2 variables, Make sure you read from left to right, so when i mean last i mean the leftmost side

    Convert 234(30)+/*3*
    Convert 23(34)/*3*
    Convert 2(3/34)*3*
    Convert ((3/34)*2)3*
    Convert (3/34)*2*3

    We read from left to right so the infix form must have the correct value. The values on the right are placed on the right. For example:

    If A+ B*C
    Then BC*A+ is not correct
    but ABC*+ is correct

    To test your understanding convert D/((A*B)+C) infix to RPN/Postfix form

    Reveal Answer


    Solving RPN using a Stack

    You can solve the RPN using the method above. When adding variables we add to the bottom of the stack. Then for each step, take a new column.

    If it is an operator then pop the last or top two variable and record the value and so on. Keep repeating the process and read from left to right only

    Here is an example:

    rpn stack diagram

    Parse Tree Or Syntax Tree

    The Syntax tree is a graphical representation of the RPN form. It shows the rules of precendence. The ones at the bottom leaves are done first and the nodes are the operators

    syntax or parse tree
  • Senamantic Analysis
  • BNF

    This is Similar to the Syntax Analysis. In this, it handles the format of data

    Some notations you need to remember are:

    | The Or Symbol

    <Variable> is an item

    ::= Assign or equals to

    For example:


    So in this case the password must start with 2 letters and have 2 numbers

    So AC12 is a valid password but, AH12 is not as H is not an option in letters and also AHE2 is not  valid as it must have 2 letters and 2 Digits also. Finally AA2 is also wrong

    Is 33AA a valid password

    See Answer Here

    No, the numbers must be last...

    Recursive BNF

    If the person is able to enter as much as data items they want then they can use a recursive function. For example if the password must start with a letter but can have many digits or letters after that we show it like this


    The above shows the password must start with 3 letters and stop or continue adding futher digits or letters. Think of it as a value. Once the password has 3 letters it can be used as a new variable again and added with digits or letters

    Is AAAA a valid password

    See Answer Here

    Yes, as there are 3 Letters of "A" and the next one can be a digit or a letter

    Is AAA a valid password

    See Answer Here

    Yes, as there are 3 Letters of "A" and there is no need to add another one

    It is good to remember these symbols and all and another thing to remember is that if the BNF has a certain symbol then we need to add them


    Syntax Diagram

    A Syntax diagram is the graphical representation of the BNF form. BNF is written in words where as in Syntax diagrams we need to draw diagrams. Below are the corresponding diagrams for each BNF notation or symbols

    syntax diagram

    To show a recursive BNF then we use the one for constant above

  • Code Generation
  • This generates the final object code

  • Code Optimisation
  • This makes any improvements in the code to increase efficiency and reduce memory usage. For example,

    LDD A
    ADD B
    STO C
    LDD C
    ADD E
    STO E

    Could be simplified to this to reduce memory usage and lines of code

    LDD A
    ADD B
    ADD E
    STO E

    Also comments are removed here

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