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All Revision Notes from Revise Zone are for educational purposes only and are free for anyone to use..

Revision Guide

All the Subject Revision Notes in one place for you

Revision Notes

Physics 9702 Computer Science 9618 Chemistry 9701 Accounting 9706


Revise Zone is the largest and the only site which provides a reference guide to the Cambridge subject keywords. This means that we have a large database of the keywords and topics for each chapter for quick indexing of words so that you can find the definition of words and topics much faster and easier. This section is continuously being improved and scaled up.

Past Papers

We have collected Papers and Topic Questions for each chapter from different sources and websites such as PMT and Teachify...

Complete Resources

Physics Computer Science Chemistry


Introduction Physical quantities & Base units Vectors & Scalars Kinematics Pressure & Density Dynamics Momentum Work,energy & power Deformation of solids Waves Superposition Stationary waves Electric fields Electricity Circuits & Kirchoff's laws Radioactive Physics AS Practical Practical Planning Practical Analysis


Introduction Moles Empirical Formulas & More Atomic Properties Ionisation Energies Bonding Intermolecular Forces States of Matter & Ideal Gases Giant Covalent & Ionic Structures Enthalpy Change Hess's Law Reaction Rate Equilibrium Redox Reactions Periodicity Group 2 Elements Group 7 Elements Nitrogen & Sulfur Organic Chemistry ...

Computer science

AS Theory

Introduction Information Representation Communication and Internet Communication and Internet 2 Hardware Logic Circuits Processor Fundamentals Assembly Language Monitor & Control System Software Security, privacy and data integrity Ethics Databases

AS Practical

Algorithm Data Structures and more Software developement

Computer Science A2

Data Representation File Organisation Advance Logic GatesInternet Virtual Machines System Software Encryption & Security Artificial Intelligence

A2 Practicals

Binary Search Linear Search Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Combined Algorithm Stacks Queues Linked List Binary Tree

Learn Html Basics

Introduction to HTML HTML Basics HTML Elements HTML Attributes HTML Comments HTML Colors HTML Style HTML CSS HTML Headings & Paragraphs HTML Formatting HTML Quotations HTML Links HTML Images HTML Lists

HTML Intermediate

HTML Tables HTML Blocks HTML Classes & Ids HTML Iframes HTML Head HTML Layouts HTML File Paths HTML Pictures HTML Audio HTML Video HTML Youtube

HTML Advance

HTML Forms HTML Form Attributes HTML POST & GET

SEO tips & Others

SEO Tips Hosting Sites SEO Tools

Developers Mode

Modules, Codes & Debugging

All the codes for School & Learning purposes are all in one section


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Revise Zone is the best place to learn HTML coding. The lessons are divided to 3 sections depending on their levels. Revise Zone provides over 100+ examples which you can copy or run immediately using our fast run system. Revise Zone is approved by many users and coders for it's accurate, fast and easy interface towards learning codes and programming!

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Revise Zone

The largest learning & revision site for all students & learners! Revise Zone will help students to revise more effectively and efficiently especially during the COVid-19 pandemic which has forced schools to close down!

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Revision Guide

We offer many subjects to revise. These revision notes are very concise and helps you to understand the concepts fully. We also highlight any important points which the exams require from the students. All notes and explanations are part of the Cambridge Markshemes!

Physics revision notes contents(9702)

We offer amazing revision notes for Physics Alevels(9702) and GCSE which are straight forward and higly reliable.

computer science revision notes for cambridge(9608)

We offer amazing and concise notes for Computer science Alevels(9608) and GCSE which are straight forward and higly reliable.

Chemisty revision notes cambridge

We offer amazing and concise notes for Chemistry Alevels and GCSE which are straight forward and higly accurate.

Physics reference to keywords and definition contents 9702

A list of keywords and Key topics for Physics Alevels(9702) and GCSE

Computer science reference to keywords and definition contents 9608

A list of keywords and Key topics for Computer science Alevels(9608) and GCSE.

Chemisty reference to definition and keywords

A list of keywords and Key topics for Chemistry Alevels and GCSE

Physics past paper questions topic contents 9702

We offer an amazing collection of Topic Past papers for Physics Alevels(9702) and GCSE.

Computer Science past paper questions topics 9608

We offer an amazing collection of Topic Past papers of different syllabus for Computer Science(9608) and GCSE.

Chemisty past paper questions topic

We offer an amazing collection of Topic Past papers for Chemistry Alevels and GCSE.

Past Papers

Past papers and marking shemes for each Subject



computer science cambridge(9608)

Computer Science

Accounting cambridge


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Very Quick & Accurate Notes for Other Subjects

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Html revision notes


Accounting cambridge


Web Developement & programming

Revise Zone is the 2nd Largest Developer site offering lessons on coding, Web developement, SEO Optimisations and Web Design lessons!

Learn HTML coding reference guide

HTML reference for keywords and keytopics

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HTML advance level

Learn HTML coding normal level guide

HTML Intermediate level

Learn HTML coding basic level guide

HTML for Beginners

Learn CSS reference guide

CSS (Web styling) reference for keywords and keytopics

Learn CSS advance level guide

CSS (Web styling) advance level

Learn CSS normal level guide

CSS (Web styling) Intermediate level

Learn CSS basic level guide

CSS (Web styling) for beginners and starters

learn python coding reference guide

Python reference for keywords and keytopics

learn python coding advance level guide

Python advance level

learn python coding normal level guide

Python Intermediate level

learn python coding basic level guide

Python for beginners and starters

Programming Section

This Section is approved by many Software engineers for it's precise, simple but accurate method towards learning. All rights to the software developers who spend a lot of time especially during the COVid-19 pandemic to create this amazing and powerful free tool

Revise Zone is the largest learning site which doesn't just offer revision notes and guides for schooling. We also teach web developement and coding for free. However, this section is still not complete and it will take some time for you to fully enjoy the power of this section. You can start learning HTML for free now! We also provide free SEO tips for beginners and tips on how to get more traffic & visitors to your website!

HTML5 Powered with CSS3 / Styling, and Semantics, Revise Zone is the best coding site for HTML5

We follow the latest HTML5. This is recommended by Google and many browsers such as chrome and safari!

we are verified and ranked number 1 for coding and revision notes

We are approved by many software engineers for our simple and concise lessons. We also provide the run function to allow students try out our examples!


Revise Zone is owned by Wiscus inc and it will always be free and we will always be growing. Revise Zone is a non-profit organisation and we have many projects planned to make the world a better place! See more on our Services section!

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Covid-19 Challenges

During these days, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have been forced to shut down for the safety of our students. For this reason, students have not been able to attend to classes and learn properly. Unfortunately, the online tutors have been overcharging the students, regardless of the students situation. Revise Zone is here to help all students for now and for the coming future!

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We hope to grow the website to support all types of learning but, we also need you to be safe til then. We would like to alert our students and users to view more information of the COVid-19 or Coronavirus to stay updated of the present conditions.

Revise Zone is the largest learning platform which is made free for all students. The content is approved by Cambridge students all around the world and also by many software engineers and developers. Revise Zone is also approved and ranked by grammarly for it's direct and quality notes. This website is still in it's early stages and hopefully grows to cover all aspects of learning. Specifically speaking, Revise Zone is a non-profit organistaion.

Revise Zone is owned by Wiscus. For more details go to our Services Section! Also, Check out our Trending and amazing Quiz Section!

Revise Zone currently only offers learning and revision support for the Cambridge syllabus but, we hope to grow our learning platform in time. However, even though our notes and examples are specific to the Cambridge syllabus, you still can use our largest reference section to search for any key topics or words in each chapter. We currently only offer 4 subjects revision notes but, we are hoping to expand this! The Notes in Revise Zone are very straight forward and to the point and also they are very accurate. However, if you are still struggling to understand, you can check out our Youtube channel for more information or contact us on