Revise Zone
The largest learning & revision site for all students & learners! Revise Zone will help students to revise more effectively and efficiently especially during the COVid-19 pandemic which has forced schools to close down!
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Revision Notes for the Latest A-level Subjects of 2021 -2022
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We offer many subjects to revise. These revision notes are very concise and helps you to understand the concepts fully. We also highlight any important points which the exams require from the students. All notes and explanations are part of the Cambridge Markshemes!

We offer amazing revision notes for Physics Alevels(9702) and GCSE which are straight forward and higly reliable.

We offer amazing and concise notes for Computer science Alevels(9608) and GCSE which are straight forward and higly reliable.

We offer amazing and concise notes for Chemistry Alevels and GCSE which are straight forward and higly accurate.
Web Developement & programming
Revise Zone is the 2nd Largest Developer site offering lessons on coding, Web developement, SEO Optimisations and Web Design lessons!

HTML reference for keywords and keytopics

HTML advance level

HTML Intermediate level

HTML for Beginners

CSS (Web styling) reference for keywords and keytopics

CSS (Web styling) advance level

CSS (Web styling) Intermediate level

CSS (Web styling) for beginners and starters

Python reference for keywords and keytopics

Python advance level

Python for beginners and starters
Programming Section
This Section is approved by many Software engineers for it's precise, simple but accurate method towards learning. All rights to the software developers who spend a lot of time especially during the COVid-19 pandemic to create this amazing and powerful free tool
Revise Zone is the largest learning site which doesn't just offer revision notes and guides for schooling. We also teach web developement and coding for free. However, this section is still not complete and it will take some time for you to fully enjoy the power of this section. You can start learning HTML for free now! We also provide free SEO tips for beginners and tips on how to get more traffic & visitors to your website!

We follow the latest HTML5. This is recommended by Google and many browsers such as chrome and safari!

We are approved by many software engineers for our simple and concise lessons. We also provide the run function to allow students try out our examples!
Revise Zone is owned by Wiscus inc and it will always be free and we will always be growing. Revise Zone is a non-profit organisation and we have many projects planned to make the world a better place! See more on our Services section!
Covid-19 Challenges
During these days, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have been forced to shut down for the safety of our students. For this reason, students have not been able to attend to classes and learn properly. Unfortunately, the online tutors have been overcharging the students, regardless of the students situation. Revise Zone is here to help all students for now and for the coming future!
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter. It will help us a lot as it shows us how many people are enjoying this website! And We are happy when you are happy!
Stay safe
We hope to grow the website to support all types of learning but, we also need you to be safe til then. We would like to alert our students and users to view more information of the COVid-19 or Coronavirus to stay updated of the present conditions.
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